Care Tips for an Abused Dog
Dogs require a lot of care, but owners of abused dogs must shoulder even more patience and care to keep their dogs healthy and happy. Abused dogs are often scarred physically and emotionally, so an owner may have to treat their injuries and earn their trust.
In order to best care for an abused dog, owners should learn as much as they can about the dog’s past, how the dog interacts with people and the dog’s current routine. Abused dogs may have physical marks on their body that may indicate they were mistreated or beaten. Often dogs who are abused act anxious around humans. Owners run a fine line between including the dog in the family yet allowing him space to join activities when he is ready.
Some abused dogs may be on restricted diets or may require a particular mix of food that agrees with them. Discuss the dog’s diet with the shelter employees so you can provide the dog with food that agrees with his digestive system. Furthermore, the dog may be on medication which you may have to administer. Often dogs can take medication mixed with their food. Sometimes information about an abused dog may be unavailable, especially if he is rescued from the street. Have the dog examined by a vet and follow his advice.
Abused dogs may also feel insecure. Provide your dog with a crate and several toys to make him comfortable. Try to adhere to a regular feeding and potty schedule so your dog gets comfortable in his surroundings. Praise him so he becomes more confident and comfortable around you.
Essenti Enterprises, LLC pet products can help your dog transition to his new home and make it more comfortable for him to respond to a new family. Essenti makes sturdy plastic bowls that are ideal for feeding your dog his food. Our full line of floating rubber dog toys can also help your dog interact with others and feel secure in his own space. Our dog products can make caring for your pet easy.