Dog Owners’ Actions: Minimizing Begging at the Table
Although many types of table food are not safe for dogs, pets often beg for food. Interestingly enough, research conducted by a University of Florida research team suggests that dogs may decide whether to beg based on the physical actions of the person eating. When dogs were exposed to people who faced them versus people whose faces were hidden from view, they were more likely to beg from people facing them. The study was conducted with wolves, stray dogs and pets. Pet dogs seemed to be able to interpret the behavior of the subjects better than strays and wolves, presumably because they had experience living with humans. However, even if your dog is experienced at interpreting your behavior, there are steps you can take to minimize begging.
If your dog attempts to beg, avoid looking at him. You will be sending a message that you may succumb and give him food. Above all, do not give your dog table food. You will be reinforcing his behavior, and encouraging begging.
Keep in mind that when you are making dinner and eating, your dog is drawn to the scent of your food. You can prevent him from approaching the table by barring his access. Either set up a gate or put him in a room or crate that limits his ability to approach the table.
Another possibility that will keep your dog from begging is to distract him. Give your dog toys to chew and entertain him. You could also provide your dog with his meal while you are eating. If your dog is satisfied, he is less likely to be interested in your food.
Essenti Enterprises, LLC has a line of scented toys that can keep your busy and happy while you eat. Additionally, if you want to feed your dog while you are eating, encourage your dog to eat by putting his food in his dog dish. Position the dish so it is away from your own eating area. Essenti dog dishes are durable and stable, so they stay in one place making it easy for your dog to enjoy his meal without becoming frustrated. Order our pet products, and let them help you keep your dog away from your own dining table.