Summer Heat: Keeping Your Dog Comfortable and Safe
Many of the adverse effects of the sun that can affect humans can also be problematic for dogs. Imagine running across the beach and feeling as though your feet are burning. Your dog’s feet can feel just as sensitive when they are standing on a hot walkway or the flatbed metal of your pickup truck. Similarly, many humans suffer from heat exhaustion. When dogs are outside in the summer heat, they can also experience symptoms of heat exhaustion, which can include poor balance, fast breathing and fatigue. Fortunately, taking proper precautions in the heat can help ensure your dog remains comfortable and healthy.
Keep your dog well groomed so his hair is not excessively long in the summer. However, keep in mind that the sun can burn your dog. Be sure to leave enough hair so that his body has adequate protection from the harsh rays.
Walk your dog when the sun is less intense. Early mornings and when the sun sets will be the most comfortable times for your dog to be outside. Do not keep your dog outside for extended time periods, and, if possible, walk in a shaded area. If you plan to take a more extended walk, bring a damp towel so you can cool off your dog periodically. Limit your dog’s physical exertion in warm weather. Excessive running can make your dog warmer and more uncomfortable in the heat. Bring a water bottle and small bowl when you take your dog outside. Providing him with frequent drinks will help keep him cool.
Essenti offers dog bowls that are lightweight, sturdy and portable. Our plastic bowls can easily be carried in a bag or knapsack with a cold drink, so your dog can comfortably enjoy a drink in the summer heat. We also offer very unique portable/travel dog bowls that fit in your jean’s pocket. Let Essenti pet bowls help your dog stay cool this summer.