Preparing Your Dog for Air Travel
Preparing Your Dog for Air Travel
If you enjoy traveling, you may want to bring your dog with you. Many airlines accept canine travelers, but contact the airline to check the requirements and make sure your dog meets them. Your dog will need to be confined to a kennel during the flight so choose one that gives him adequate room to stand up comfortably.
Preparing Your Dog for a Flight
Flight times vary, but your dog will probably be in his kennel for several hours or more. Before the flight, make sure he has the opportunity to go the bathroom and stretch his legs. Give your dog attention. Try to avoid feeding him right before the flight, especially if he has not flown previously.
Consider Your Dog’s Safety and Health
Before taking him to the airport, make sure your dog is wearing an identification tag. Label his kennel appropriately, so people are aware that a live animal is inside. Visit your vet before you take your dog on a flight, he may be able to provide medication for pet anxiety or motion sickness.
Getting the Kennel Ready
Your dog may get hungry, thirsty or need to relieve himself during the flight. Place a clean towel in the kennel in case he goes to the bathroom. It will be easy to remove, which should minimize the kennel from having a strong odor. Place a bowl of water and food in the kennel so your dog will have everything to satisfy his needs.
Additional Travel Equipment
You never know when there will be flight delays. Your dog will become unhappy if he is bored or feels neglected while you are busy trying to find another flight or entertain young children. Brng a toy to keep your dog content or find out whether you can let you dog can take a short walk in the airport. Some airports enforce kennel requirements more strictly than others.
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